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Image by Hert Niks

All About Me

C A R O L Y N    M C C A L L I O N


All About Me

Hi! I'm Carolyn McCallion. I am a freshman at Red Bank Reginal High School. I have lots of hobbies and interests. Some things I like to do is playing soccer and basketball. For soccer, I play at a competitive level, and my club team is ranked high in our country. I plan on taking this soccer life to college and after. I also play on the RBR girls varsity team with coach Rosenberg and my sister Catherine. I love playing basketball but it is my second sport so I quit playing AAU, which is also a high level basketball league. Now I just play on this team made up of my family friends. Its really fun because we all play competitive soccer and play basketball just for fun. We always have a good time. Soccer takes up most of my time but when I'm not playing soccer I like to run, hang out with friends, surf in the summer, ski in the winter, go out for breakfast/lunch/dinner with friends, or have a movie night. I have a dog that I love named Ravello. We named her this because one of our favorite places in Italy, Ravello. She is a Cocker Spaniel, tri colored, 4 year old dog. I travel a LOT. I have been all over Europe and love seeing all the beautiful countries. I have been to many countries multiple times. Some of my favorites are Italy, Greece, Dubai, and Switzerland. I love Greece because I love the clear water and how some towns are built into a cliff. I love the blue and white tiles everywhere and the longs stairs bring you to the bottom of the cliff to the water. My favorite town there is Santorini. Italy was also one of my favorites for obvious reason, but I mostly loved the center of town where so much happen. The restaurants there were so good and the food was delicious. I loved the Amalfi coast and Ravello. Dubai had so many sand dunes and a lot of desert areas, so when we went there we rode in jeeps over the sand dunes and felt the really soft sand. I also rode camels and held hawks. Skiing is something important in my family because my dad grew up near mountains so he would always ski. Switzerland was amazing because the snow and trails were so adventurous and fun. When we ski in Vermont with my whole dads side of the family, we would wake up at 5:15 am and leave around 5:30 to get there early.

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